Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Reverse Engineering Course Preview

    • Class Files

  2. 2
    • Overview of Reverse Engineering Processs

    • Choosing Correct Part Scale

    • STL Viewer

  3. 3
    • Manual Approach

    • Color Importance in Mesh Process

    • Why Remesh is Neccesary

    • Align Commands

    • Delete Mesh Fill Holes

    • Quiz 1

  4. 4
    • Poor Quality Scan

    • Scan Variations

    • Simple Automatic Part Example

    • Complex Part Example

  5. 5
    • Remesh Tolerances

    • Super Tight Tolerances

    • Fan Body

    • Variables to Consider for Tolerances

    • Quiz 2

  6. 6
    • Thin Wall and Large Rounded Edges

    • Thin Wall - Adding Tabs

    • Extended Command - Unite Regions on Complex Parts

    • Remesh Tolerance Radial Arm

    • Adding Other Features

    • Assessment