Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Finding the Art in Engineering Introduction

    • Bookshelf Golden Ratio

    • Pythagorus

  2. 2
    • Creative Ideas

    • Logo

    • Triangle Core Shape

    • Rotate Motion

    • Creative Jewellery

    • Weave Bracklet

    • Weave Variations

    • Cross Curve Braclet

    • Cross Curve Variation

  3. 3
    • Complex Surface

    • Circle Loft 1

    • Circle Loft 2

    • Loft Variation 1

    • Loft Variation 2

    • Quiz 1

  4. 4
    • Mobius Loop

    • Mobius Strip

    • Rolling Ball Bracelet

    • Loop Ball Earings

    • Loop Ball Twist

    • Variations

  5. 5
    • Light Cover Challenge

    • Light Sweep Scale

    • Orange Peal

    • Orange Peal Variation

    • Teardrop Variation

    • Light Mechanism and Motion

    • Quiz 2

  6. 6
    • Addional Ideas

    • Workshop Bits Pieces

    • Final Quiz