Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Welcome

    • Audience & Duration

    • Questions and Feedback

    • Use Case

  2. 2
    • Introduction

    • Create the App

    • The Mendix Studio Interface

    • Preview and See What the App Does

  3. 3
    • Introduction

    • What is a page, and Why do I need it?

    • Understanding Page Navigation

    • Create a New Page

    • The Domain Model

    • Create an Entity, Attribute, and Association

    • Page and Data Connection

    • Connecting your Page and your Data

    • Preview your Page

  4. 4
    • Introduction to Custom Logic

    • Overview of Microflows

    • Modifying a Microflow

    • Run and Preview the Application

  5. 5
    • List Views and Other Data Containers

    • Configure ListView

    • Preview

  6. 6
    • 6 .Collaboration

    • 6.1 Invite Developers to the App

    • 6.2 Share your App with Users

    • 6.2.1 Publish your App

    • 6.2.2 Allow Others to Use your App

  7. 7
    • 7.1 Summary

    • 7.2 Next Steps

    • 7.3 Survey